Based on the original list from Dr. Castañeda, the project team compiled data to visualize the field of Chicana historians. Information about degree-granting institutions, current affiliations, regional concentrations, and supportive mentors reveals fractures between the rhetoric of diversity, equality, and inclusion in the academy and the reality of our experiences. Collaborating with the University of Michigan’s LSA Technology Team, we were able to create three data visualizations focusing on 1) degree-granting institutions, 2) movement between institutions, and 3) mentorship networks. Currently in beta testing, these maps are a work-in-progress. We welcome feedback to generate better mapping tools and to include more accurate data.
Degree Granting Institutions
Degree-granting institutions for the first 100 Chicana historians; one point per institution, sized by the number of Chicana historians receiving PhDs.
Institutional Relationships
Movement between degree-granting institutions and current places of work.